

A birthday card featuring an abstract geometric design in red, yellow, and blue, with grid lines and text ‘Happy Birthday’ – Blank inside for your own message – Printed in the UK on premium card stock – Supplied with a white envelope

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SKU: C0258



Abstract is a Birthday card featuring an geometric design in red, yellow, and blue, with grid lines and text ‘Happy Birthday’

Now you may think that we took our inspiration from the artist Piet Mondrian, and you would be right. You might also think that we followed his design rules. However, the fact is that we have been making abstract designs of one kind or another for years.

We have an appetite for making them. That stretches to all kinds of abstract designs.

Abstract art doesn’t really figure in the art from early cave paintings to the end of the 18th century. It is only in the early 1900s that such art has moved into the mainstream and become an essential part of the picture (note the pun.)

That Which Does Not Attempt To Depict Objects In Reality

Of course, the hallmark of abstract art is art that does not attempt to depict anything that exists in reality, Instead it uses shapes and colours to achieve its effect. That really begs the question of what the intended affect is. We can all agree that some abstracts attract us. And some abstract art make us lament the sorry state of art and how real artists don’t get the attention they deserve. The big question is why some abstracts attract us and what there is in them that attracts us. Perhaps there is a common thread of wiring, as it were, in humans. And perhaps that resonates with certain shapes and colours.

Meanwhile, we can talk about abstract itself as meaning something that exists in thought or as an idea but doesn’t have a physical or concrete existence. Love, hate, beauty, and ugliness are abstract in that way.

Furthermore the word exists as a verb as in to pull our or take out what one wants from the greater thing that contains it. And that can be positive, as in abstracting meaning from the words of a patient reliving a dream about a traumatic event. Or it can be negative or of little value to abstract the meaning that, say religion, attaches to events and explain them outside of a religious context.

SKU: C0258