A greeting card for every day featuring an interior view of the walls and arches of the Church Of The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
– Blank inside for your own message
– Printed in the UK on premium card stock
– Supplied with a white envelope
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A greeting card for every day featuring an interior view of the walls and arches of the Church Of The Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
The church is very big, but it is located in a small square with buildings on all sides. The church fills all of one side of the square. The building is a jumble of styles and very beautiful.
The wooden doors and the marble columns either side of the doors are plastered with graffiti, some many centuries old.
The sepulchre itself is beneath a dome high above, and the interior is dark, huge, and wonderfully atmospheric.
From this area there are stairs and rooms leading down into the bowels of the Earth, each of them wonderful in their antiquity and mystery. You can see the doors of some of them in the photograph.
The stone is a golden sandstone and reflects the light that shines down from the oculus. The smoke from the incense burned in the church highlights the shafts of sunlight and diffuses the light, adding to the mystery and sense of place. The dramatic effect of high contrast lighting is not lost on people coming to the church, and that is surely the intention.
We have another greeting card for every day, featuring the sunlight coming through the oculus and lighting the dome in gold and blue dome.
SKU: C0207