A greeting card for every day featuring a view in a cinema looking down the rows of seats to the screen with the curtain down and text on the curtain ‘Great Movie Moments – We’ll Always Have Paris – Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca’
– Blank inside for your own message
– Printed in the UK on premium card stock
– Supplied with a white envelope
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Casablanca is a greeting card for every day featuring a view in a cinema looking down the rows of seats to the screen with the curtain down and text superimposed on the curtain ‘Great Movie Moments’ – We’ll Always Have Paris – Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca
What a story – a jaded romantic with a broken heart who turns his back on the troubles of the world. He holes up in Casablanca and opens a club. When the nazis move in and come visiting, it’s plain that Rick doesn’t like them. When the officer asks why he moved to the city, Rick says he likes the sea. When the officer retorts that the city is miles from the sea, Rick replies that he was misinformed.
A Club In Casablanca
We see so much of his personality in that reply. He is master of his life and his tongue. And with a contemptuous reply he can slough off the things he doesn’t like. He is also a keen judge of character. I guess you would have to be to run a club, and especially in a hotspot like Morocco in wartime. Still, he would say, he didn’t choose the war and he is doing his best to ignore it.
And then it all changes. Who should turn up but the woman who broke his heart. She didn’t break up with him out of callousness. Nor did she do it for herself. She did it because the world needed people willing to sacrifice themselves to the common good. Which begs the question of what Rick said in their life together in Paris?Did he say or do something that indicated that he was not willing to do similarly?
We Will Always Have Paris
Be that as it may, when Rick sees a way to help the cause of justice and freedom, he acts. Seeing the nazis’ brutality was probably a turning point in his decision. And then Ilsa tells him they will always have Paris. She tells him though that that she loves him and he loves her, and that will always be true. But there is a war on, and things to do.
The resolution gives hope to people in a time of crisis. Did the cast and crew know what a worldwide phenomenon the film would be for a generation and the generation after that?
SKU: C0334