

A card for a new baby featuring two storks in flight with text, ‘Congratulations On Your New Arrival’ – Blank inside for your own message – Printed in the UK on premium card stock – Supplied with a white envelope

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SKU: C0076



A card for the arrival of a new baby featuring two storks in flight with text, ‘Congratulations On Your New Arrival’

These storks are flying in from the region where storks are prevalent  – perhaps Dalmatia -to the happy home.

Storks that deliver babies have a heavy responsibility. They must collect the correct baby to deliver to its new family. And they must locate the home of that new family. Moreover, they must do it in time and on time.

That’s doable in the towns and villages of England. But what about in the mega cities like Seoul or Mexico City? In huge conurbations like Seoul and Tokyo the postmen only know their own particular neighbourhood. They can’t swap and change delivery routes. That is, they would be unable to deliver a letter or a package in another part of the city. It’s not their fault. The addresses grew from small neighbourhoods to giant cities in a short time. The address system didn’t have chance to catch up. So now the system relies on local knowledge.

All of which begs the question of how do storks find the addresses of the families to whom they are delivering babies? One thing we do know is that they can’t ask for directions! I guess it is one of those things that will always be a mystery.

SKU: C0076