

A humorous card featuring a close up of the head of a Roan antelope and speech bubble and text ‘You Looking At Me?’ – Blank inside for your own message – Printed in the UK on premium card stock – Supplied with a white envelope

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SKU: C0200



A humorous card featuring a Roan antelope and speech bubble and text ‘You Looking At Me?’

This magnificent animal is a Roan antelope. They are found in most of plains Africa south of the Sahara where they live in small groups of between five and twenty animals and there is always a dominant male. The males often fight for dominance, which makes the ‘You Looking At Me?’ alpha-male question, very fitting.

Of course, the quote itself is from Taxi Driver, the gritty film set in New York that brought a whole new genre to mainstream cinema.

If you want to read more, take a look at this article about Roans, the bandit of the savannah.

SKU: C0200