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Ah, desiderata. Ah, life turning people into zombies. Writing for Flying Twigs in the digital age is easy. That is, it is easy to tread a well worn path and pump out yet more vacuous words. Desktop publishing is at everyone’s command.
And the end result? The sheer quantity of written material on the Web turns peoples into zombies, screaming to escape from the deluge. Where is the authentic content that speaks to the person? Of course, it hardly exists in a world where everyone is selling something. After all, to sell is human, or at least it is a driving force that propels us. You think it isn’t true? Talk to anyone. What occupies us is calculating our return on pleasure. As part of this we are devoted to persuading this or that person that such and such is the case.
Turning People Into Zombies
The truth is that messages surround us. Messages seek to persuade us that we are part of the system. And we in turn are pumping out messages. We are sheep huddled in a flock. We follow our noses for looking for what appeals. And what does appeal? We behave as though we were the authors of our own desires. But we are not: The environment form us. Our only freedom is in choosing our environment. When what we aspire to is not ours, we are zombies.
Until we drop from exhaustion, with life turning people into zombies.

Countless advertisements bombard us. We hate the generic messages aimed at us every day. We know that the internet is saturated with poor content. Yet somehow we are pushing in the same direction. Oh, pity the poor person who cannot manage to make themselves heard in the din.
I hear a voice that says a strong, well-written message can cut through the noise and grab the reader’s attention. Am I to believe it or is it yet another false promise turning readers into zombies.
Ah, breathe, clear your forehead and relax in stillness. Stillness is that antidote to turning people into zombies.
And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
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