
  • Min Max Quantity And Order

    Min Max Quantity And Order – if you understand it, you know I am giving the bottom line away with the title. That’s because I tried out a plugin that did not do that. Then I found Minimum Maximum Quantity and Order. And it does exactly that. OK, let’s take a step back. The store…

  • Link By Stripe

    This is about Link by Stripe, and how works to solve the problem of checkout friction by capturing certain customer information. Let’s start by outlining the problem and then how Link goes about solving it. If you are selling digital products, the only thing you need at checkout is the customer’s email address. But if…

  • WooCommerce Or Shopify

    WooCommerce Or Shopify? They are both e-commerce platforms, which means both of them are a way for businesses (including a one-man business) to create and run an online store. So which is better and what is the difference between them? Advantages of WooCommerce It is an open-source platform, meaning it is free to use. And…

  • Should You Set Up A WooCommerce Online Store Selling Wholesale To Retailers?

    Before we start, just to make it clear that we are talking about someone who sells online. What are the advantages of selling wholesale to retailers? Is it better than selling direct to consumers online? Selling wholesale, you sell larger quantities of your product in each sale. Retailers expect to buy multiples of a product,…

  • All About WooCommerce

    WooCommerce is software that you add to a website that enables you to sell things. It is a WordPress plugin, which means it only works on websites built with WordPress. It was developed by Woothemes, a South African company. Then Automattic bought it in 2015. Automattic (note the double t in the name) owns,…

  • Checkout Friction

    Checkout friction is every obstacle to completing a purchase. Imagine that you are a customer at the checkout. What is going to improve your e-commerce checkout experience and what is going to make it a poor experience? The longer and more difficult the process is between deciding to buy and being able to complete the…