Oh Baby Please Don’t Go

Leaving cards for those moving to another place. She’s leaving home, bye bye. She’s spreading her wings and she’s flying away. The pain of the line about living alone in the midst of one’s supposed loved ones. It’s a heartbreaker.

People moving on. Leaving cards can ease the pain and make one think of opportunities and a bright new day.

If I allow it to remain, it will start to take over the garden. If I leave it in this corner, it should be OK.

A sense of regret, of nostalgia. Time to move on, to look for pastures new. Suddenly he saw it all, and with renewed clarity he faced the future with optimism.

She was broken hearted, but then she realised – she was young, and she was free, and she was in Paris. Bonjour Tristesse.

Oh the pain of leaving. Leaving a lover, leaving a group. The group regrets the loss of the company of the person leaving. Who is the group? They are individuals. too. The person leaving regrets what is not to be enjoyed any more. But the call of the wild is strong and time moves on.

A leaving card with a zebra grazing with text 'The Best Of Luck In Pastures New' - to leave is to find new beginnings

Where Now?

And now, whither shall I wander?

Goosey goosey gander,
Whither shall I wander?
Upstairs and downstairs
And in my lady’s chamber.
There I met an old man
Who wouldn’t say his prayers,
So I took him by his left leg
And threw him down the stairs

Context is everything. The prayers are Protestant prayers, The recalcitrant old man who will not say his prayers stands for Catholics who were dispossessed in the dissolution of the monasteries by Henry VIII. Nowadays we just remember the words and not the historical context.

The zebra looking for pastures new is one of our leaving cards.

Leaving Cards To Say We’ll Miss You

Leave - A leaving card featuring a flock of sheep and text 'All the best from the flock - we'll miss you.'

When someone is leaving, wish them well, for you were strangers once, in a strange land.

Say goodbye to co-workers and colleagues. Day-to-day you’re probably spending more time with them than you do with your own family. Now there’s a thought.

So the word to ‘leave’ is one of those words with diametrically opposite meanings – meaning to go or to be left behind, Another word that has two diametrically opposite meaning is ‘to cleave’. It means to split in two and it means to stick to. Neat, eh?

Flock is another one of our Leaving cards.

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